...24h where the city finally is full of people. Not because it is usually empty, but with all this flow of wonderers the city really becomes the space for everyone: artists, audience, pipoca sellers,... Somehow it feels like the mixing and miggling is bigger. Or is it my joyful feeling and the electrifying atmosphere that makes me think like that.
Though with all those people, the street are taken over: some paths which would have been less comfortable feels less dangerous, the city seems like ours - and not borrowed - and the feeling of safety is strongly increased... Why are cities only organising such events once in a while? Imagine if we had fairs and festivals every weekend, using the city not as a network of streets to get somewhere, but as the scene for our lives - really using the spaces and not just crossing them, hurrying from point A to point B, but using the segment AB as the extension of our private spaces, our living room... True city-life.
Coming out from the jazz concert, there goes a gipsy band playing...
Cities are amazing when people take over the streets, when the happening is in dialectic with the urban spaces! Like the contemporary ballet happening at Teatro Guaira - AMAZING!
The event comprehended a mixture of ballet on the street in front of the theater, in the entrance hall and the ticket sale's hall - three ballets shifting from one to another, with intermezzos at the vitrines of the 1st floor. Everywhere you would look, some physical happening caught your eye for a moment or more. Music then - all over the place! Plunging the whole theater, rooms, streets and praça in this electrifying atmosphere. Projections, on the theater walls - still pictures, moving pictures, out of time and gravitation laws... Some moving images are the ones that are filmed by one dancer group in the ticket sale's hall and then projected on walls, interfearing thereby with other environments than this where the ballet occurs. Exciting mise en scène - brilliant! Light and colours, interaction with the public. People would pass by, wonder from one space to another, humming, swinging, jumping, with eyes like cups and heads spining like a weathercock...
The event comprehended a mixture of ballet on the street in front of the theater, in the entrance hall and the ticket sale's hall - three ballets shifting from one to another, with intermezzos at the vitrines of the 1st floor. Everywhere you would look, some physical happening caught your eye for a moment or more. Music then - all over the place! Plunging the whole theater, rooms, streets and praça in this electrifying atmosphere. Projections, on the theater walls - still pictures, moving pictures, out of time and gravitation laws... Some moving images are the ones that are filmed by one dancer group in the ticket sale's hall and then projected on walls, interfearing thereby with other environments than this where the ballet occurs. Exciting mise en scène - brilliant! Light and colours, interaction with the public. People would pass by, wonder from one space to another, humming, swinging, jumping, with eyes like cups and heads spining like a weathercock...
1st floor's intermezzo
In the ticket sale's hall...
Between sculpural facade and projected scenery...
This mise en scène fits the theater's architecture greatly
Choregraphy in the entrance hall
Choregraphy in the street
Shows and concerts are everywhere in the city, at all hours. Here, the crowd listening to Samba in front of Paço da Liberdade. Short movie were projected in Largo da Ordem, other concerts going on there... A huge urban feast!
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