1: TAM Linhas Aereas, São Paulo - 2: São Paulo from the plane
At the airport - I am in deep waters, English is not spoken by many here. So between English, French, Spanish and improvised Portuguese words I get out, into a cab, to the hotel room and out again to see the city. A nap was on the plan, but I am too excited!
1: view on the city, out through the entrance porch of Passeio Publico and trees - 2: the 'Tubo', the Curitibanese express bus line
Perrots in Passeio Publico
After several hours of walking, the tasting of Brasilian espresso and funny pastries which consists mainly of sugar, fried dough and cream and cheese of strange consistence, I finally catch up with Manuel and Lotario (the Bavarian expat who happens to have a flat to subrent for two months - yay! - and his Argentinian friend).
The flat is in Bigorrilho, a nice part of town, close to the Parque Barigui. It is superbe, with a nice kitchen, huge sofa, huge bed, clean bathroom and a homy feeling - not to mention the incredible view! The plan is set - dinner and friends coming over. How great! My first evening in Curitiba and I get to meet great people, enjoy dinner with them and just hang out till...well with the jet lag it was quite late for me. But sooo nice!
And I get to move in to the flat! How sweet can life be... by the first day, having a place and a good start to friendships.
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