mardi 18 octobre 2011

Who are the notable architects of Brazil...?

To that question, the first that pops into everyone's mind is most likely to be Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa, the Brasilia architects, and probably main figures of the Brasilian modernism.

Indeed they are unavoidable figures of the Brazilian architectural scene, but more discrete and, at least as interesting we have as well:

# Paulo Mendes da Rocha - the pride of Curitiba, being one of the well-known architects of the Brasilian Modernism, from Curitiba, he is the architect behind the FAU (Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, in São Paulo)

The cover at Praça do Patriarca - São Paulo, Centro

# João Batista Vilanova Artigas - important figure of the Brasilian Modernist movement as well, many of his work is to be found in the state of São Paulo

Casa Vilanova Artigas - the only preserved, newly renovated, modernist house in Curitiba,

# Lina Bo Bardi - one of the rare female figures of Modernism, she designed the famous MASP (Museum of Art in São Paulo)

The MASP - São Paulo, Paulista

# Ruy Othake (son of Tomie Othake) - Ruy is architect and Tomie is an artist, they both represent the Brasilian abstractionism, high in colours "fitting the bright sun of Brazil" as noted one of my friends here

The Tomie Othake Institute - São Paulo, Pinheiros

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